
  • Standard

    They are in solid colour and classic, they are perfect as a finishing touch to floristic compositions or an original element of interior design.

  • Fancy

    It is the perfect choice for special occasions such as weddings, photoshoots or holidays. Thanks to the elegant addition in the form of a decorative thread, they gain a unique glow. It will give these unique moments the right mood.

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Kolory: 22-Amarantowy Kolory: 27-Fioletowy Kolory: 51-Gołębi Kolory: 73-Zgaszony pudrowy róż

These are materials that, at first glance, may seem like a non-obvious floral choice. On closer examination, it turns out that they have as wide range of applications as our other materials. The net is a durable product and, despite its dimensions, it is extremely easy to model. It is a material made of natural jute fibers, thanks to which it easily conquers the hearts of people who value durability and follow the latest eco trends. Depending on your needs, you can choose it in classic colours or with the addition of a decorative thread perfect for special occasions. For years he has been working in:

  • Creating large bouquets of original character and form.
  • Packing gifts of various sizes and shapes.
  • Bringing bold floral installations to life.
  • Creating original interior arrangements and adjacent green areas.
  • Decorating festive tables where you can spend a nice time with your loved ones.
  • Artistic works such as greeting cards, greeting invitations, scrapbooking and many more.
  • Creating eye-catching designs for shop windows.